Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blog Post #19: Food Memoir, Poster, & Video


Food Memoir


  1. I loved being able to try a new Indian food that I had never had before. For your food memoir, I really liked how you filmed your video to show your growth over time and flipping the roti at the very end. I liked how you switched between yourself and the cooking because it really felt like you were telling a story. I also could really relate to having American tastes in food when I was younger. In the discussion, I thought you did a great job of synthesizing the poems like Rapunzel into the conversation, especially in the conversation about the symbol of Janie's hair and the comparison between what Rapunzel's hair symbolized and what Janie's hair symbolized. Overall, the discussion was very engaging because of the pace of responses and questions.

  2. Sachika, I really liked the food that you made: roti, I eat it almost everyday. Your video really told the connection that you have with your family in India, and making roti with your Mom and Grandma. The video was well made alternating between you talking and making the food. In the fishbowl discussion, you connected Their Eyes Were Watching God and Rapunzel through hair. I had never thought of that connection before. Synthesizing both symbols is essential to each story and connecting both really engaged the audience. Overall your contribution to the discussion was great and engaging.

  3. Sachika, you know I loved your food memoir! I loved your pivotal moment shared with your grandmother when you were both in the kitchen, the only two who weren't bilingual in the house, able to bond over the making of the rotis and share that as your language for just an evening. That connection was really special and I love how you filmed with your mother since you said the film from India didn't work. It was really sweet when your mom flipped the roti with her own hands because you couldn't quite get it -- again, it's like an unspoken language that she's there for you.

    The topic I jotted down that I found most interesting that your group discussed was the significance of hair. Obviously, we know it was a symbol of Janie's sexuality in TEWWG, but while reading, I hadn't really brainstormed beyond that about it. It was interesting how you all brought up the significance of hair and mentioned other figures like Rapunzel and Medusa, who have very strong connotations with their hair as well. Overall, great job, and I enjoyed seeing you present!
